
Showing posts from 2019

Pegasus Spyware: "Most sofisticated" smartphone attack ever!!!

Pegasus is a spyware that can be installed on devices running certain versions of iOS, Apple's mobile operating system, developed by israeli cyberarms firm, NSO group. Pegasus is not a new spyware.It was discovered in August 2016.  The spyware got significant media attention.It was the most sofisticated smartphone attack ever,and became the first time in iPhone history when a remote jailbreak exploit had been detected. What Pegasus does: Pegasus is capable of reading text messages,tracking calls,collecting passwords,tracking the location of the phone,accessing the target device's microphone and video cameras and also can gather information from apps. How it works? When clicking on a malicious link,Pegasus secretly enables a jailbreak on the device and can read text , track calls,gather information from apps which includes popular apps such as Gmail,iMessage,Facebook,Whatsapp,Viber,Telegram and Skype. How was it discovered?  The vulnerabilit

Cybersecurity vs Information Security : A Vital Difference

Cybersecurity the the trending ,sexy and catchy word. But this does'nt mean that Cybersecurity and Infosec both are same. Yes . Although Information security and Cybersecurity appear to be similar yet there is a vital difference between the two. We often didn't have any confusion and assume that both are similar,but there is a difference. Understanding the difference is necessary. Cybersecurity Cybersecurity is use of various technology to protect network ,data ,computer from attack, or any unauthorized access. as all computer systems depend on computer systems and networks to function, often these areas are targeted. Cybersecurity can be defined as the ability to protect or defend use of cyberspace from cyber attacks. Information Security Information Security is protection of information and information systems from invalid use ,disruption,disclosure,modification in order to protect CIA.  What is CIA? C- Confidentiality

We are not "ANTISOCIAL"

So we are talking about Hackers. So who are Hackers? What is Hacking? There's a lot of confusion about this.  So lets take a look at it. Hacking is gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.Hacking is an attempt to exploit a computer system or a private network.The person engaged in hacking activities is known as hacker. A hacker may alter system or security features to accomplish his goals. But one main misunderstanding about hackers is that they are "Antisocial". Many people think that they can't find hacker's location, unlike doctors who have hospitals or  police who have their police stations. No one knows their exact location. Hackers are like night vampire. They do their job in private and then mix with the people automatically. Hackers have to maintain their identity secret. For a hacker anonymity is a main thing. A person is unable to become a hacker unless and otherwise he/she able to make his/her identity secret.

Stay Secure Always!

Stay Secure Always! We are living in 21st century. This era is what we can call it as an "Digital Era". The world is becoming digital day by day. Use of Smartphones, digital payments, and services based on internet are increasing. We can't imagine a single day without Internet today.It has made over life so easy. But as a coin has two sides, internet also has its evil side. Today "Data" is the currency. Data or we can say meaningful information is what matters the most. If you have data and you know how to use it, you can acquire the world. But if someone misused data it can also lead to death. So one should have knowledge about how to stay secure online. One should be aware of all the Digital Threats. So here are we....... Through InfoSec Hub you will be able to get knowledge about How to protect our data Kali Linux O.S. Hacking  Various attacks Various Tools And much more....So stay tuned.....