
Showing posts from March, 2020

Cyber security in Banking Sector

Gone are the days when people used to be in a line to withdraw or deposit their money in banks. Now within few clicks you can do any transaction or any work related to bank even on your smartphone. But as coin has two sides, so does technology.  The banking sector is under threat from its existance. Earlier their were physical, actual thieves who would rob the bank but now there ie no need of any physical harm. Now hackers enter in the banks network and hack into the system and collect customer's personal information. So Cybersecurity is very important in the banks. The main agenda of having cyber security in banks is protecting customer's vital, personal information such as account number, transaction details,etc. Nowadays all the work of bank is done on computers. Almost all banks today have their app which its customers use for transaction. The customers can easily access all the services provided by the bank within seconds.If in any case their account is hac

The CIA Triad

The CIA triad of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability are at the core of Information Security. Information Security professionals who create policies and procedures must cosider each goal when creating a plan in order to protect computer system. Confidentiality In Information Security, Confidentiality is property that the information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized use to individuals, entities or processes. Confidentiality is the component of privacy that implements to protect our data from unauthorized viewers. confidentiality involves set of rules or promise usually executed through confidentiality aggrements that limits access or places restrictions on certain type of information. Attacks that affect Confidentiality Password cracking Packet sniffing Wiretapping Keylogging Dumpster diving Phishing Integrity In InfoSec data integrity means maintaining and assuring the accuracy and completeness of da

Coronavirus and Cyber security

Hackers always try to search for different ways to hack websites. The coronavirus pandemic is spreading day by day. Hackers are taking advantage of this situation as environment of fear is spread all over the world. The number of malicious emails mentioning the coronavirus has increased significantly since end of January.They are forging emails mentioning the outbreak that appeared while opening the messages, unleashing malwares. Various phishing mails are created in order to donate money for the treatment of virus affected people. In one such kind of phishing mail, hackers created a phishing mail by the name of WHO ie. World Health Organization. In that mail they created a donation form by the name of WHO. In this user fills the details of debit cards and eventually money are transferred to hacker's account. Also are also various other cases of Cyber attacks discovered. In one such type Android users are using app called CovidLock to track the coronavirus. The app i