The CIA Triad

The CIA triad of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability are at the core of Information Security.
Information Security professionals who create policies and procedures must cosider each goal when creating a plan in order to protect computer system.


In Information Security, Confidentiality is property that the information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized use to individuals, entities or processes. Confidentiality is the component of privacy that implements to protect our data from unauthorized viewers. confidentiality involves set of rules or promise usually executed through confidentiality aggrements that limits access or places restrictions on certain type of information.

Attacks that affect Confidentiality
  • Password cracking
  • Packet sniffing
  • Wiretapping
  • Keylogging
  • Dumpster diving
  • Phishing


In InfoSec data integrity means maintaining and assuring the accuracy and completeness of data over its entire lifecycle. This means data cannot be modified by any unauthorized way. Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong ,moral and ethical principles and values. When a sender sends data, the receiver must receive exactly the same data as send by the sender. Dat must not be changed in transit. Any adddition or subtraction of data during transit means that the integrity is lost or compromised.
Attacks that affect Integrity

  • Salami attack
  • Data diddling attacks
  • Session hijacking
  • Man In The Middle (MITM) attack


Availability refers to authorized users that can freely access the systems, networks and data needed to perform their daily task. It is essential to have plans and procedures in place to prevent or mitigate data loss as a result of a disaster.
Attacks that affect Availability
  • DoS and DDoS attacks
  • SYN flood attacks
  • Physical attacks on server infrastructure

Stay always secure from digital threats


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