SOC: Security Operations Center

 A Security Operations Center (SOC) is a centralized unit that deals with security issues on an organizational and technical level.

This is the definition of SOC. But wait did you get it?


Lets simplify it.

You all know what "Hub" is...(You are reading a blog post on InfoSec Hub 🙇 ) 

A SOC acts like the hub.

it continuously monitors organization's security posture while preventing, detecting ,analyzing and responding to cybersecurity incidents.





Main Work Done By SOC

SOC monitors and analyze activity on networks,servers,endpoints and databases,applications and so on.


Establishing SOC 

The first step in establishing an organization’s SOC is to clearly define a strategy that incorporates business-specific goals from various departments as well as input and support from executives.

Plus infrastructure is required to support the strategy which is going to be implemented.


Benefits Of SOC

  • Improvement in security incident detection
  • Advantage for companies to defend against incidents
  • Minimize the gap between attackers time to compromise and action taken by companies

Bottom Line

Truly successful SOCs utilize security automation to become effective and efficient. By combining highly-skilled security analysts with security automation, organizations increase their analytics power to enhance security measures and better defend against data breaches and cyber attacks.


What Do You Think? Should every company have a SOC? Comment Down  and let me know your valuable views.


 The data in this blog is gathered from these sites. Have a look for detail.


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